Sunday, June 20, 2010

Evey's First Father's Day

What?  A day specially made to appreciate Poppa?  What a wonderful concept!  Evelyn LOVES her Poppa, and she was happy to hang out through brunch to meet up with Tag after his round of golf (in 100 degree weather...ugh!  Now that's dedication to a sport.)
We went to brunch in honor of Opa, who is a cherished father indeed. 
So Evey got to spend some fun time with her doting grandparents (she was determined to steal Opa's spoon off the table....Oma was obviously a helpful accomplice. Who can deny this child anything?)
It was a lovely afternoon.  We are so blessed to have such caring, loving fathers in our lives.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

No More Sweet Yellow Poo....

Things you never think you'll say... I will miss that sweet yellow poo that Evelyn had for so long as an exclusively breast-fed baby. She's introduced various solid (smushed, pureed, liquified solid) foods into her diet now and the poo is definitely not yellow anymore, and it ain't so sweet either. Ah well. It was fun while it lasted. Good thing Tag gets most of the morning diaper changes (those are the mighty-mighty diaper filling episodes).

Our precious Evey is almost 7 months old now.  Good Ness.  She seems to enjoy this age as much as we do -- so much energy and happiness.  And she's figured out the scooching thing -- not very elegant, lots of leg flailing and grunting, but she gets herself across the carpet.  Amazing.  I can't believe crawling is already here (didn't I just give birth to this bundle of joy ???).

No teeth yet, but drool drool drool yes.  They make her wear a bib at daycare.  Probably a good idea at home too, but I just hate how they look on her.  Goofy.  Tag encourages me to get over it -- the drool must be managed.  Okay, okay.  Better than a soaked carpet I guess.

Had her first experience in the baby pool this weekend -- seems to enjoy water!  She splish-splashed and scooted all around in the pool - can't wait to try a real pool!  That will be very fun -- ordered her swimsuit on-line (CUTE!!) and it should arrive this week.  We'll test it out next weekend at the club pool.

They call her the "cheerleader" at daycare -- if I keep her home with me for a day they miss her and call the house asking, "Where is our cheerleader?! We miss her!"  Smile smile smile. I swear there isn't a happier baby on the face of the earth.  We took her to brunch after church today and she didn't really get a chance for her morning nap - I was a little concerned for her, and our friends were more than a bit anxious about the six month old joining us for a relaxing brunch, but I tell ya -- she blew everybody away.  Flirting with the waitstaff and passing guests, blowing raspberries and growling happily as she chewed her toys and edge of the table, she was the epitomy of a perfectly charming baby girl.  And proof that she was completely exhausted?  The minute she hit the carseat she was out like a light.

I couldn't be more grateful for this amazing, healthy, happy baby.  If it were possible I'd have 5 more like her.  But, as they say, quit while you're ahead -- the first baby convinces you to have another, and the second convinces you that two's enough (!).