Monday, August 23, 2010

Sheer Poetry

I usually check up with Tag later in the day to see how the morning went, getting Evelyn ready and off to school.  This morning the text response was, "She is sheer poetry."

That says it all, I think.

The Belly is Off the Ground !!

Last weekend I witnessed for the first time a consistent application of the true "crawling" method: hands and knees.  And she seemed to feel pretty comfortable with it.  Friday afternoon she greeted me using her unique "army crawl" style to cross the daycare room.  And Saturday morning it's all hands and knees.  She must have been practicing all last week without my knowledge.  The daycare folks deliberately withold that kind of stuff from mommies cuz they've learned that it steals the moment and makes mommies cry.  So, Evey will probably take her first steps without me (ouch) but I won't know so it will be ignorant bliss when I praise her for taking her "first steps" in the not too distant future.  (daycare stinks).

Also important to note is the first real appetite for solid food that kicked in.  I fed her oatmeal early in the week and she was so into it I couldn't spoon it in fast enough.  She's eating "lunch" at daycare every day now and I feed her yogurt or sweet potatoes for "dinner."  She was even willing to try some pears this morning.  It's pretty cool.  I wonder if she figured out that food will fill her tummy when she's hungry?  Could also be the influence of the older infants she hangs out with all day (she's moved up to the next level classroom already).  Yesterday when I picked her up, I caught her stealing a biscuit from a poor bugger strapped into a chair.  She still seems to choke on rice cakes though, so I don't want her munching biscuits yet, but she gets that it's "cool" to eat.  She wants in on the action.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

What comes before Toddler? Tumbler

With exploration comes the occassional bump or bruise...and Evey is earning her fair share.  I am collecting "accident reports" from the daycare that document when/how Evelyn trys to pull up on something and it comes falling over on top of her (bump) or swings a toy around and bonks herself in the head (thump) or plays near another baby who slings something into her head (kathunk).  They're totally minor incidents, but apparently they have to document everything.

Tag called me the other morning to report an incident that occured while he was getting ready for work. Evey was pulling herself up on the outside of the tub and !whoops! slipped and fell on her face.  Got quite a shiner -- poor Poppa Tag was beside himself.  She's fine of course.

We had an appointment to get Evey her passport this week, and now her passport photo has a lovely purple-green splotch above her left eye - too funny.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

An Insider Look at Great Adventure Daycare

Sent a camera to daycare in hopes of getting glimpses of a "day in the life" of Evey.  Got some fun shots of her with her buddies and the wonderful ladies that take such great care of her.  She moves up to the next class on Monday, the "older infant" room.  Can't believe she's already "graduating...."