Friday, November 25, 2011

Just can't get enough of her

We were invited to join friends at their home for dinner.  We accepted and assured them that we'd get a sitter for Evelyn.  They weren't too happy about that and insisted we bring her along.  The dinner was wonderful -- and our hosts spent the evening playing with Ev on the floor and watching Snow White with her.  I'm actually a bit suspicious that they even needed Tag and I to come along... 

We have such amazing friends.  I love watching them laugh with her - they are always so surprised and charmed by how happy and funny she is.  My social calendar has never been so full.  Everyone wants to hang out with us (her) !!

The Birthday Parties have already gone into full swing.  We've been to 5 parties already.  I totally get why people throw extravagant events celebrating their cherished one's birth.  And I really think it's great.  And I fully support it (note attendance at FIVE parties to date).  But I'm not goin' there.  Sorry Evelyn, but you'll have to make due with a fabulous cake, candles and a small group of loving faces singing the birthday song.  When you turn 5 (or when you beg for one) your Poppa and I will throw you a super fun birthday party with all the trimmings (except the give-away goodie bags - I promised auntie Sandy that I would never succumb to that tradition).
Visit from Big Brother Dylan

Our initial Big Girl Bed success is slowing deteriorating.  Tag and I now wake up in the morning with a foot or a butt in our faces.  Ev has gotten skillful at carefully climbing up into the bed with us in the middle of the night.  Hmm.  Not sure what do to about that.  Guess we’ll have to help her make the Big Move up to her room.  (Am I ready for that….?)
Clothing is considered optional. Even when it’s chilly, she’s stripping down to her bum-cheeks.  Ran around the other night in just her socks and slippers.  Happy as a lark.  Wild and free as Taggy likes to say.  Indeed.

Our Budding Book Worm...
Ev has an official addiction to Mary Poppins.  “Pop! Pop! Poppin!” is the demand after a long day at school/work.  I think it’s her way of unwinding – she LOVES the music and dancing.  Tag and I have reached a point where we really can’t stomach another chim-chimminey so we’ve become skilled at redirecting.  I love that she appreciates a good musical though.  We just need to find other ones that she likes and expand the options.
Sportin' the Mr. Potato Head glasses....
We are never 5 minutes without singing or music and Ev now joins in and even makes up her own songs.  Her favorite though is Twinkle Twinkle Little Star.  Her soaring, offbeat rendition always makes me chuckle.
She still loves school; keeping up with the “big kids” isn’t an issue.  I showed up to take her home from school and the teacher shot me a look saying, “There was an altercation today…”  I’m thinking, altercation?? Was there bleeding?  Apparently she had a throw-down with her dear friend Adrian who wouldn’t give up the Mr. Potato Head.  So they went after each other with finger nails flying.  When I told Tag the story, the first thing he asked was, “Did she win?”  I said, “Not sure, but she was the one holding the Potato Head when I got there.”

Climbing is a swiftly developing skill.  Playground holds new excitement for her – she can climb the ladders now, which she loves to do.  And the swings are a new favorite (she didn’t like them up until now).  Climbing isn’t limited to the playground, unfortunately.  Tables/counters/couches… it’s all game.  I was preparing dinner the other night and couldn’t hold her at the same time.  Instead of getting upset like she usually does, she walked to the kitchen table, pulled out a chair and proceeded to push it into the kitchen and up to the counter, climbed up onto it and helped herself to the spatulas so she could “help.”  Fantastic.  Blew my mind.  I didn’t teach her that. Totally new behavior, all on her own. 

We visited friends and they had a swing-set in the back that Evey ran over to.  I was so relaxed about it that Katherine, experienced mother of 5 children, immediately tensed and in an effort to ensure safety tried to hold onto Ev as she climbed the ladder and slid down the slide.  Totally ruined the fun for poor E.  I finally convinced her that Evey was pretty darn solid on slides and could do it on her own – and E shrieked with glee as she zipped down the slide and landed on her butt in the grass.  Little Daredevil.  Love it.

Unbelievable that we are but a few breaths away from 2 years old...
Running free with Opa and Jack in the field behind our house

Monday, November 7, 2011


Post Lifetime Fitness Halloween Extravaganza
she had a sorceress apply make up to her face (note rosy cheeks) and a witch apply a tattoo to her arm
she had an absolute ball
Had the best Halloween ever.  Dressed Ev as a little cowgirl in an outfit we inherited from her friend Lily.  The club had a dinner event for members, including a hay ride, animal petting zoo, Thomas the Train and, Ev’s favorite, a DJ and dance floor complete with laser lights.  She and I have had plenty of dance-parties together in the living room so she was ready to boogey when she heard the music.  Kids were running everywhere and she could not get enough.  Danced her little heart out.  So Much Fun!
bonding with a Fairy Princess at the club halloween party
Partying With Miss Darcy

Actual Halloween night was also very special.  I was busy cooking in the kitchen while Tag and Evelyn watched Wizard of Oz and handed out candy to trick-or-treaters.  The doorbell would ring and they’d both make “O” surprise faces, jump up and run to the front door where E would delicately dole out pieces of candy. She was absolutely tickled that all these strangers kept coming to the door.  I will never forget her expressions and laughter.  Or that of the trick-or-treaters, who were so charmed by her.  It was way better than actually trick-or-treating, at least for an almost 2 year old.