He finally arrived !!
I had the "one week late" doctor visit and my doctor and Tag both convinced me that to wait any longer would only increase risks. No benefit to waiting any longer, so I agreed to the scheduled induction for Thursday morning, Oct 24th.
Wednesday afternoon I picked up Ev from school and chatted for a moment with one of the teacher aides. Naturally, she told me a horror story about an induced birth. Great. Yes, I know pittocin contractions are fierce. Yes, I know induced labor can mean a long and intense birth... When I got home, Tag and I took the dogs around the lake (walking walking walking, trying to get this labor to kick off) and poor Tag tried to console me and give me courage. The morning ahead loomed fuzzy and unreal. I prayed that it would go smoothly.
Somehow, I was able to settle in to sleep that night, Oma tucked in upstairs to care for Evelyn the next day. My alarm was set for 4am to give me time to get ready and arrive at the hospital by 5am for our appointment. I woke in the middle of the night to some subtle back aching... A quick glance at the clock told me it was 12:57am. I wasn't sure what to make of it...but it seemed to me that the ache was getting deeper and stronger...Was I imagining it? Was I creating this? Or was it real?! I lay very still, breathing evenly, observing the sensations, and slowly but surely I came to understand that this was REAL and I was SO EXCITED! I thought if I could just hold on and keep it going, that they would agree not to induce me when we arrived at the hospital.
Tag stirred at one point and asked if I was okay. I grinned at him like an idiot and whispered, "I'm in labor!" He laughed and said "No way" and then started timing the start-stop ("5 minutes apart...that doesn't seem right..."). I was calm and still, but was having a total party on the inside - soooo incredibly relieved to be in real labor, all by myself. Tag fell back asleep (!!) and I breathed evenly through the next couple hours until I got up at 4am and took a shower. Wow. That really got things going, and the contractions forced me to stop with each wave and just focus on breathing. I had to wake Tag up at 4:45 (!!) and told him we needed to get going. He messed around, letting the dogs out and stuff and at that point I was having trouble even standing upright so I essentially told him to kick it into high gear because We Needed To Go. NOW.
In the car, the contractions tightened their grip on me. That's when Tag understood that this baby was coming. Like,
now. Thank God it was early and there was no traffic. It was still dark when we pulled up to the hospital entrance (damn those speed bumps !!). As I shuffled and moaned my way across the lobby, Tag and the security guy tried to offer me a wheel chair but the thought of stopping or sitting was impossible somehow so I grunted a "no" and headed for the elevators.
When we got to the delivery floor and reached the reception desk I hissed to the woman behind the glass, "we're here for a 5am induction, but we don't need it." She had me sign in (hold a pen how?) and asked me to be seated until they were ready for me - Tag rushed off to park the vehicle - so I labored (rather loudly) in the waiting room, in front of a young pregnant woman and who looked to be her mother (must have scared the wits out of her). The nurses finally came to get me (maybe it was only 2 minutes -- it felt like forever) and took me to a delivery room, got me dressed and then checked my progress. The pace and energy in the room room suddenly rocketed. Apparently I was fully dilated and this baby was knocking on the door. They rushed to get an IV in my hand and called my doc. Tag was back by then and he became my pillar and my focal point. Specifically, his hand, as I put all of my focus and strength into gripping that hand through the contractions. When the doctor arrived he broke my water, they told me to push, and by 6:16am we had a brand new baby boy! Tadaaa!! It Was Awesome. I thought, "this is how it's supposed to happen." And our baby boy was so beautiful, so perfect, so flawless. Incredible. We are overwhelmed with blessings.
8 lbs 5 oz, 21 inches long, and healthy healthy healthy |
Tag didn't even get a chance to have a cup of coffee before our baby arrived - HA ! |
Evelyn was eager to meet her baby brother - at long last ! |