Tuesday, September 30, 2014

September 2014

School Picture (in Queen Elsa gown, naturally)
The movie Frozen continues to capture Ev's imagination. Her love of the Elsa character hasn't diminished at all.  I treated her to a dress-up gown that I found on-line, one that I thought represented the real Disney costume better than the crunchy, flimsy dresses we'd see in stores.  She put it on and immediately walked with a tall back and a regal smile.  Oh my.  She's an actress.  When school picture time came up she asked me carefully if she could please please please wear her Elsa dress for the photo.  I told her, "if Ms. Beaty says it's okay, then it's okay with me - but you have to bring it and only wear it for the photo, not during the normal school day."  By 11am I had an email from her teacher telling me it was okay to wear the dress (Ev never misses a beat).  It was a great decision -- the photo of Evelyn is incredible.  You can see how magical that dress makes her feel.
so in love with this happy boy
Auntie Laurie came for another fun visit
Em enjoying his mobility....my pantry doesn't stand a chance
building a fairy house
just plain lovin' being outside