The school winter assembly wrapped up the semester -- with Evelyn performing her much anticipated African Dance class routine (she, of course, was the one with the HUGE grin throughout - bouncing around gleefully like she was full of jumping beans). Awesome drumming performance as the soundtrack for the dancing. We love her school so much.
My Little Aerial FlyDog ! |
After a late night at a loooong Christmas Eve church service (we of course wanted to attend a candlelight service), Emerson fell asleep on the car ride home and Ev prepped for Santa (candy canes positioned in the shape of a heart, an oreo truffle that she made, and a cup of milk) and his reindeer (9 carrots - one for each reindeer and an extra in case Rudolf was in the mix) and then skipped off to bed. It was such a fun morning (I got to sleep until 8am!) and not a tear was shed. Ev was beaming from ear to ear the entire day - making slime (thanks Oma) and playing games. Em played with cars, discovered a newfound love of the space shuttle, and played pool with Tag and Opa.
We're just a few days left of this year...and I can't say it was a bad year, but I can't say I won't be glad to see it go -- looking forward to the adventure that 2018 brings...and hoping it will allow us to stay in this lovely place we've started to call home.