Friday, May 4, 2018

April 2018

Reading to Emerson and Darby
Emerson started official swim lessons. He's totally comfortable in the water, and it didn't take the instructor long to sort him into the more "advanced" learners group.  Evelyn and I cheered every time he made it to the edge of the pool, arms working and legs working and a big smile on his goggled face. Won't take this guy long to figure it all out.

He also started soccer, which has been a healthy challenge for him on a number of fronts.  First, it's all new. Listening to a coach, in a large group of new kids, in a whole new environment that requires focus amidst tons of distractions. He comes in and out of "fun mode" and you can see him working through it. He and Evelyn are both very prideful and used to being great at everything. So it's good when they have a chance to try something really difficult and fail their way forward.

My yoga teacher always says, "Show up and suck, until you can show up and shine!" and I feel like this is an important lesson for Ev and Em. I don't want them to be as self-conscious and self-limiting as I was growing up - I was afraid to look dumb, and to mess up. Tag and I tell them both, routinely - give it a try! Mess up! It's totally cool! But that is, I know, easier said than done - so we try to find those opportunities for them to practice tough things that they can work out on their own and build that confidence of, "This is tough, and I might struggle through this in a messy way, but I believe I can figure it out."
silly cross-eyed beauty

Evelyn has hit a beautiful stride of confidence and capability. When she feels good, she's so helpful and generous and thoughtful. It's inspiring and fills my heart with yum.  Her piano lessons are going really well -- she was proud to share some feedback from Mrs. Esposito that she is the only student who really practices and it shows. She's doing full chords (both hands) and will belt out the words in her unique singing style, fully immersed in her practice.  Fabulous.

any prettier place to take a leak?
(King Family Vineyard)

Making a wish...for a peddle plane LOL

Self Portrait (at IX Art Park)

Powerful Girl!!!
...the world lost an amazing man...and we lost an incredible pillar of the Graham family...
Rest In Peace Grandpa Graham - We Love You

Friday, March 30, 2018

March 2018

The Crazy Days of Spring-Winter-Spring !

Just Look at this Radiant being

Poppa getting some puppy kisses

Working in the office...

Foosball with Oma and Opa at Firefly!

Pinball Wizards

The Easter Bunny rocked it this year !!

A little stretch on the road trip to Memphis with Oma and Opa

(no words. just *ahhh*)

Taking full advantage of one last wintry day

Stella loves her Emerson

These two. They are going to be true friends forever.

Wednesday, February 28, 2018

February 2018

We've Lost our Minds

So, I've been out of a job since October. And it's affected every facet of our lives. And maybe it's broken loose a few thinking cogs in my head. Because, after we ran into the sweetest little rottweiler in the pet store parking lot I couldn't get him out of my head. And one thing leads to the next, and Tag and I are completely smitten with a 4 month old puppy and bring him home to our two shocked and supremely excited children.
Met this little guy in the parking lot (Rollie and Randy)
"Okay I love you."
Uhm, the CUTEST
I think this might work out... 
"Mamma, I'm a puppy."
"Seriously Mom? WHAT did you do?"

Yes, we're crazy, but this is going to be fun.
What better time to housebreak a puppy than when you're home everyday? All sorts of logic can be strategically applied here to justify our lack of prudence. Evelyn declared his name to be Riggs and has really taken on a caring, teaching role for him. She walks him expertly and loves having puppy energy in the house. Emerson has regressed a bit on the behavior spectrum (is there a case study opportunity here?), due to the excess attention lavished on this canine invader. He insists on barking and crawling and wearing a collar and leash. It's surely just a phase (we're praying it's a short one).

New Jersey Turnpike Pit Stop - On the way to Connecticut ! 
As part of my job hunting, career defining, soul searching journey, I wanted to meet the owner of a children's art studio in Norwalk, CT.  Super close to Auntie Laurie, so Evelyn and I took a just-us-girls road trip and had a totally fun time eating out, shopping, visiting a gallery (where I discovered carmelo blandino, incidentally), and generally having a ball. Laurie came to visit us in Virginia shortly thereafter, so we got a wonderful double-dose of Auntie L.
Auntie Laurie is the BEST
Met the actual Roaming Gnome (at Duc Donuts)

#ourlife #justaregularsundaymorning