Saturday, July 31, 2010

Documenting Bad Parenting

Little Evey is tough to keep up with these days!

As I'm taking photos of her practicing her balance at the foot of the stairs, she suddenly figures out how to CLIMB them (we've now installed a gate -- she's not happy about it).

Then, right before my eyes, she decides to scramble up the side of the dog bowl stand (which she loves to do on a regular basis) WHILE the dogs are feeding (dogs didn't seem to mind actually...).

And just last night, as we're relaxing in the living room, Evey disappears lightening fast into the kitchen and as I turn to see what she's doing, I see her legs and bum disappear INTO the plastic-ware cabinet.

Her new favorite game is to crawl up onto us while we're sitting with her on the floor, and then let go to practice balancing on her two fantastic legs.  She's also got the transition from crawling to sitting and back to crawling again down pat.  Amazing to watch.  I love it.  She's a girl on the go, and getting more independant by the day.

Still not big on solid food, but she has a favorite now:  Avocado.  I think she must have eaten a whole one by herself over the course of last week.  Tried yogurt this week and that might be a winner...  Pears, applesauce, banana, mango, peaches and sweet potato, you can forget it.  Gross stuff.  She gags and gives me a look like I'm trying to poison her.  I'll keep testing them though... One shouldn't have to live on avocado alone...

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