Monday, April 25, 2011

16 Months

Spring has arrived and the warm weather allows us to leave the back door open -- Evelyn takes full advantage of this most excellent new found freedom and she wanders in and out, exploring the patio, playing with rocks, splish-splashing in the dog bowl when I neglect to put it up quickly enough (oops)... 

Took her to Costco the other week and at the entrance they always have an interesting array of items on display.  This particular visit showcased a water/sand table with a colorful little umbrella shade.  Evey would not be contained in the cart and almost launched herself at the table so I let her down to investigate and she clanged her way all around it, banging the cups and bowls, screeching with delight.  Attracted an audience (Surprise surprise.  I'm getting used to it actually).  Started getting looks and then comments when I tried to wrangle Evey away from the table.  People actually commented that I couldn't possibly walk out of Costco without that water table.  So, naturally, 20 minutes later I was loading it into the back of my truck.  I really wasn't excited about a huge plasticky thing in my yard.  But as it turns out, that thing is worth quadruple it's weight in gold.  Evelyn cannot get enough of it -- water water water -- it's her favorite thing.  Best purchase yet.  Keeps her occupied on the patio while Tag and I do a little yard work or lounge and enjoy a leisurely cocktail.  It'll keep her cool in the summer too, granted she's still as enamoured with it by July...

Easter was more fun-filled than we anticipated.  We thought we'd swing by and casually check out the Easter Hollow at Evey's daycare church.  Had a false start when Evey fell asleep on the way there (missed her normal nap time) we ran a few errands for an hour while she dozed in her carseat and then thought we'd catch the end of the Hollow festivities.  Turns out they leave the easter egg hunt for last, so Evey got to participate in the main event!  She was fascinated by the colorful plastic eggs - didn't nab but two of them, but that was all her little hands could hold so it was perfect. Very sweet to see her toddling around with other little bitties, and we ran into one of her school mates (Hayden) whom she doesn't get to see much anymore because Hayden moved on to the next class level.  More on that later. 

So that was Saturday -- On Easter Sunday we went to brunch at the club and had to grab a late slot since they were almost fully booked.  Dressed Evelyn in a pretty little sundress (was a perfect, warm day) and got to visit Dylan who was working the carving stations.  Very relaxed afternoon, no expectations except to enjoy the day.  Well wouldn't you know, they also save the egg hunt for the end of the afternoon!  So Evey got another shot at egg hunting and was even happy to share her spoils with the younger babies who were there.  Tag thankfully thought to grab the camera on our way out the door earlier that day, so we have  precious photos of Ev enjoying the day.

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