Thursday, December 1, 2011

My lovely Evelyn

As I draw this first book to a close, I wanted to share my heart's message with you so that you might have a tiny clue as to how much I love you. 

I hope this chronicle will let you see the joy that you are, the magic that you've created in your family, the bottomless love that you've planted in us. 

When I think of you and feel you in my heart, I see a spirit of adventure, exploration, curiosity and daring.  I also see bubbling laughter, affectionate kisses and great big bear hugs.  Watching you play is one of my favorite things in the world; you're always busy filling little bags and boxes with trinkets and bits of this and that, maticulously organizing and re-organizing your eclectic treasures, wrestling large purses over your shoulders and hauling them across the room while pushing your filled-to-the-brim shopping cart.  I wish I could capture each hearty laugh in a jar to save for when my mood needs a turbo boost.  We have the best time giggling and laughing at the silliest things.  I don't know when I've had more fun at a playground, chasing you around and catching you at the bottom of each super-fast slide.  Strangers grin as they pass while we're shopping somewhere as they overhear our endless chattering and singing, and often comment about how much fun we're having.  I've never "met" as many strangers in my lifetime as I have these past two years with you.  You're magnetic!  They all want to say hello or join us in our "A-B-Cs."  My heart just swells and swells with joy the more I'm around you.

There have been moments that break my heart.  I'm not quite sure how I head out for work each day, sending you to day care until I can pick you up many hours later.  That's hard on me.  You have adjusted so well, though - it's what gets me through.  That and the fact that it provides a special routine for you and Poppa in the mornings; you share such a strong bond as a result of your daily morning choreography.  It's beautiful and fantastic.

I love you so much it makes me cry with happiness.  I thank God for you each day.  May He continue to bless you and may all your hopes and dreams come true.

Yours forever,
Mamma  xoxoxo

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