Friday, February 28, 2014

February 2014

Ev loves (loves) bacon.  Tag was making breakfast this morning and as Ev was running up the stairs she caught a whiff and stopped dead in her tracks, exclaiming "Mmmmmm that smells amazing!! I want some bacon poppa!"  She's quite a pretty little carnivore.

Emerson is so fun to watch.  His busy little hands are getting more accurate and sure every day.  He reaches for things all the time now -- makes things a bit more complicated. We went to the library today and he wouldn't stop grabbing at the pages as I sat with him on my lap reading to Evelyn. Glad he likes books.  We'll have to get him one that he can actually wrangle.

He does this funny little chirpy whine now when he gets sleepy.  It's new.  Made me laugh earlier today, which made him grin and giggle.  Such a happy boy.  Even when he's sleepy.  I'm so in love with this little man.  He's a charmer and a half.
My mini-me with me for a coffee stop ("warm cocoa" for her)

Oma has been our saving grace these past few weeks, since I've gone back to work.  She arrives early each morning after I leave for work, and watches over Emerson all day until I return home in the early evening.  It's a long day for her...but I couldn't imagine a more wonderful scenario for our little E man.  She dotes over him like only an Oma can.  And she helps so much at the house, doing laundry, cooking amazing meals -- it's incredible.  She has several more weeks with us - after which I imagine we won't see her for a while since she'll be so sick of our house (!).  But this is hopefully a very special time for her, getting to make memories with her only grandson at such a tender baby age.

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