- Watch my sister. That's my favorite thing. She makes me giggle and outright laugh. I love her.
- Climb up the stairs. I freak my mamma out when I do this. I love to twist my body around every now and then and reach back to touch her face, just to make sure she's still there. Then I giggle and get back to my climbing. I'm getting pretty good at it.
- Blow raspberries. I can do this for 15 minutes straight. My parents wonder how my lips don't get tired. I love how it feels, and I like how they answer me back with their own raspberries.
- Bang things together. My mamma gave me the metal measuring cups the other day and I sat on the kitchen floor and bang-bang-banged them -- it was so fun I just had to squeal.
- Play drums on anything/everything. I smack-smack-smack my hands on the table, the computer, the box, whatever is handy, and squeal out my song. I love it when my family joins in.
- Splish splash in the water. My mamma puts a bucket of water out for me on the back patio so I can splish my hands around in it. I end up tipping it over and getting all soggy bottom. But I love it. When somebody is holding me and they try to drink their water, I like to try it too -- I'll take a little sip (yum!) and then splish my fingers into their cup. I love the bath tub too, until I get water up my nose and then I hate it.
- Stroller rides. Actually, I'm not sure I love this at first, but then I get into it and I get so relaxed that I fall asleep. The stroller takes me all kinds of fun places, and there's usually lots of kids. I love to watch kids.
- Play with my mamma's hair. Play with my poppa's nose and lips. Grab my mamma's earrings. Get a fistful of Evey's hair. Grab the puppy's fur. I basically love to grab stuff. And paper. I love paper. I like to shove it in my mouth because it feels interesting. But my poppa gets upset because I choke on it. And then I want more paper again.
- Getting my nails painted.
- Doing my hair in pony tails and pig tails and putting on clips and flowers and hairbands. I can do my own hair pretty good.
- Swimming. I love diving under the water and swimming through my parent's legs. I'm pretty good at that.
- Riding my bike. When I'm not grumpy. When I'm grumpy it's NOT FUN. But when I feel good, I'm so super fast on my bike. I'm learning how to use the brake. And when I tip over it's okay cuz I just get right back on again (those training wheels don't always work).
- Going to Oma & Opa's for a sleep over. I get treated like a princess when I'm there and I am the center of the universe and everything is so fun and there's so many projects to do. And I have a Doc McStuffins sleeping bag. I wish I could have a sleep over at Oma & Opa's every single day.
- Reading books. I'm starting to sound out the words myself. I love books.
- Going to the playground. I always make a new friend or two or three when I go to a playground. I love the swings and I'm learning to pump my legs so I can keep the swing going when my mamma gets tired of pushing me.
- Holding my brother. He likes me. But sometimes I'm a little bonkers and I pull on him too hard. Or I feel like he's boring so I try to make him cry cuz that's more interesting. I can't wait till he's bigger and he can play with me.