Sunday, June 29, 2014

Piercings Already ?!?

Yup.  She talked us into it.

When she and I had discussed it in the past, I was clear with her about how it hurts, how it takes a lot of care, and how it essentially puts holes in your body.  She would say, "Yeah, maybe when I'm five.  Or six.  Or seven" and that would be the end of the story.  Well, not today.

I took her through the same routine -- "You know it hurts, right?"  And she did not back down.  "Please please please please PLEEEESE mamma !"  Got it in her head that she wanted earrings. So we went with Poppa and Emerson to the mall and she did it.  Brave little nut.  She sat in my lap and they did both ears at the same time. She was tense as a wood plank, but she didn't flinch.  A little watery afterward, but no more than I was (I fell apart - tears and all - hard to watch your baby get holes punched in her).

She loves them.  Taking good care of them.  She's so proud of her sparkly ears.

Can't believe my baby has earrings.  It's like a right of passage or something.  Not a baby anymore....

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