Saturday, August 27, 2011

21 months - the countdown to 2 begins....

They say beware of the terrible twos....  Suddenly, they say, your sweet compliant child morphs into a demon of defiance.  It's my impression that our Evelyn, ever the a-typical child, is managing her approach into the twos with small trial sessions, giving us little test-drives into the realm of the independant toddler.  Seems rather strategic.  I sure hope we're up for this...
Into the pantry again....(check out that impish grin!!)

I love this child with all of my might.  She learned how to give big gripping bear hugs from Tag and she doles them out freely, complete with "grrrrrrrrr!!!" effect.  Love love love, she loves giving and receiving kisses, being held, taking your hand and walking you to a point of interest.  So affectionate, it's awesome.  I hope she never loses that.

Smooching Adrian at school
My job has taken me far and wide recently and Ev caught on quickly to the pattern of Mamma leaving.  Kicks my heart in to hear her cry out for me as I force myself to walk out the door to catch a plane. The hardest trip was a week long...too long...I returned on a Friday morning and picked her up from school during morning snacktime.  She was seated at her little table and her back was to me.  Her teachers said, "Your mommy's here!" and Ev turned her head around to glance over her shoulder and then back to her snack.  It took a split second for it to register, but when it did, she whipped her head around again and threw her little wooden chair to the side, crying and running toward me.  I fell apart and swept her up in my arms with kisses and tears, unable to speak.  The teachers were so moved, they both started crying too, saying "That is so sweet" and then all the kids started crying.  It was a beautiful mess!  Evey and I have become one again these past weeks, and she clings to me like she's building up an emergency stash for the next time I leave.
Helping Mamma Unpack
It begs mention of Tag's seamless parenting when I'm darting off to Brazil or the east coast.  He and Ev work out a fabulous rhythm while I'm away and it would seem that it's not until I'm back that Ev even realizes I've been gone.  He's an incredible father, and entirely devoted to little E.

Tag calls her "Little Heidi" when he recants their morning routine. Here is the email I received recently:  "evey was little heidi this morning. she was having fun collecting purses and bags and transferring items from one to the other. she had three bags hanging on her stroller pushing her baby around and shopping around her kitchen. busy busy busy."  It's funny how toddlers will mirror you.  She will put on the goofiest "hmmmm?" expression, and I'll recognize it as my own.  She'll put her finger to her nose or her cheek or her lip, imitating my subconcious "i'm thinking" habit.  Apparently I'm the bag lady, because she loads up bags and purses and hauls them around the house -- even insists on hauling her diaper bag when we're out and about, though she can hardly walk with it strapped across her chest.  I've learned to recognize several words, including "purse", which is a popular one.

Speaking of purse -- she loves rummaging around in mine, which is full of odds and ends that I haven't taken inventory of in a while.  Ev has no trouble finding what she's looking for, and mimics her mom quite effectively with a tube of lipstick.

Lipstick Lipped Happiness

Her best buddy Haidyn
She skipped a grade and went straight from Older Infants to the Twos, thank God.  They held her back in the infant class far too long (they didn't have room in the Ones).  Thankfully, Ms. Nessa would steal her and basically keep her all day in the Ones with her buddies, so it worked out okay.  Now she's officially in with all the big kids, including her buddies Haidyn, the twins Abigail & Conner, and Adrian.  She's the youngest so the teachers kept a close eye on her at first to make sure it was a good fit.  She's exhausted everyday but keeping up and loving it.  And starting to talk more and more - they "use their words" in this class versus being permitted to point and whine.  Big Girl stuff.

The Twos
Has wonderful painting and coloring skills -- people comment all the time on how well she holds a brush or uses a marker.  Can't wait to get her started on some canvases at home. She's firmly right handed, which is interesting.  Doesn't use that left hand for much, not even eating. Tag says it's easier to get golf clubs for a righty, so he's cool with it.  I wonder when her first golf lesson will be....

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