Saturday, August 27, 2011

Her 20th month...amazing us every day

How do you live with a thunderbolt of personality and not have it rub off on you?  Tag and I find ourselves "Evey-fied" on various fronts, and not just our eating or sleeping habits.  Turns out, when Tag and I part ways with a kiss, we both say "mmmmmma!"  See what I mean? Lost causes, we are.

Evelyn is working on her vocabulary, sounding out the names of various objects she points to, looking for verification that she's on the right track.  It's really more of a vowell-sounding vocabulary, but she's getting very close.  Her desperation to communicate is driving her to work hard at it -- she dissolves in frustration and anger at me when I don't understand what she's asking for....breaks my heart as I try my hardest and seem to fail miserably. And I get pinched too (ouch).  My mom remembers me going through that stage.  "She's on the brink of talking now," she assures me.  Thank goodness.

No more high chair -- these photos are the last images we have of her in one. Refuses to be seated in one.  Booster chair at the counter now.  Feeding herself really well (these pics are misleading -- we took them because she was having fun making such a silly mess). 

Molars finally poked through, but more on the way.  Sloooooow teething process for our little Ev.  I guess it's better than shooting teeth through too quickly...  We brush her teeth - correction - Evey brushes her teeth (sort of) each day and loves each independant task she can tackle. Very helpful too - will "fold laundry" (and fold and refold and fold again) and sweep the floors, throw away bits of paper, toss dirty shirts up over her head into the washer (I have to watch what goes in there...she's not figured out how to sort colors yet), and throw her plate into the sink when she's done eating.  [Makes it sound like our house must be spic and span...quite the contrary -- she's still a pro at emptying and tearing apart.]

Favorite foods:  she eats LOTs of different things, but those of particular note:  Strawberries and Kiwi, Yogurt (always), Oatmeal (every day), Scrambled eggs ala Uncle Paul (w/ cottage cheese), Hummus (especially the garlic version), cheese cheese cheese, and asparagus.  Never afraid to tell us what she likes or doesn't -- we've become somewhat successful at preventing the dislikes from being hurled across the floor.

Bath time remains on her favorite list, that and any pool activity.  She's pretty close to swimming, actually, and doesn't freak out when her head bobs under the water or she gets splashed.  Kicks her legs and tips her head back into the pool, stretched flat on her back.  A natural water bug.  Sprinklers, though, are on the don't like list.  For some reason, even when they have water day at school, she does not like water shooting up around her.  She even prefers a puddle over a sprinkler.  What she does love is the water slide -- none of the other kids in her class were willing to try it, so the teachers took turns taking Evey down the slide and she had a ball (so did the teachers!).

Favorite toys:  she pretty much likes anything with lots of parts and pieces.  Her kitchen is a current favorite - lots of plastic cups, spoons, fruit and little plastic hamburgers...  Has a little pink stroller that she pushes around with her "baabee" in it -- she has a couple baby dolls and a stuffed lion that capture her interest now and again - she'll wrap them in blankets and lay them down, feed them from plastic forks.  Pretty cute.  She also loves scribbling with markers (note to self: "washable" markers only wash off if you catch it early...).

She can sing the first line of Sesame Street in "dah dah dah" fashion. And she claps after we say grace.  Tag is still her favorite playmate on the face of the earth.  And the memory of a skinned knee or bruised forehead lingers as she points to those areas with a curious "boo boo?"

Tag was watching her the other evening and commented how unbelievably fun Evelyn is, "and," he went on, "she'll be even more fun tomorrow.  Which is hard to believe, because how can you get more fun than this?  But that's what happens.  She'll be even more fun tomorrow..."  I completely agree.  Pretty amazing stuff.

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