Saturday, December 31, 2011

December 2011

We spent Christmas Eve and Christmas Day at home.  Our friends Beth & Richard came visiting from Dallas and we hosted an open house for all their Memphis friends who miss them terribly.  Evelyn enjoys a party crowd, and in particular those who allow their beards to be stroked...(I almost died - it was hilarious to see Evey, fascinated by his white beard, tentatively reach out for Dr. Kevin Fowler's face and have him lean in to allow her to "pet" his cheek).
Keagan came home from college so we got to see quite a bit of him and Dylan - much to Evey's delight.  Man does she adore her brothers.  They joined us on the long road trip to Michigan to visit the Grahams and I'm certain it would have been a painful and torturous journey without them.  They entertained her and doted on her, holding her hand on request and putting up with endless Disney movies.  Evey felt like a traveling princess.

Aunt Claudia organized a big Family Gathering in Michigan so we got to meet some of the Cenkos and the growing troop of Uncle Scott's grandchildren.  Evey enjoyed the chance to follow the older girls around and jump in on their pretend play.  Nanny Ruthie and Poppa Graham reveled in the ruckus of their grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

While Evey wasn't fully up on the excitement of Santa Claus and presents, she had a ball on Christmas morning.  She's pretty good at opening presents now, but her favorite part was selecting a gift from under the tree, looking to me to tell her who it was for, and delivering the gift to it's proper recipient. And she enjoyed helping them open it, of course.  Watching her fully immerse in the joy of giving was my favorite part of the holiday.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

My lovely Evelyn

As I draw this first book to a close, I wanted to share my heart's message with you so that you might have a tiny clue as to how much I love you. 

I hope this chronicle will let you see the joy that you are, the magic that you've created in your family, the bottomless love that you've planted in us. 

When I think of you and feel you in my heart, I see a spirit of adventure, exploration, curiosity and daring.  I also see bubbling laughter, affectionate kisses and great big bear hugs.  Watching you play is one of my favorite things in the world; you're always busy filling little bags and boxes with trinkets and bits of this and that, maticulously organizing and re-organizing your eclectic treasures, wrestling large purses over your shoulders and hauling them across the room while pushing your filled-to-the-brim shopping cart.  I wish I could capture each hearty laugh in a jar to save for when my mood needs a turbo boost.  We have the best time giggling and laughing at the silliest things.  I don't know when I've had more fun at a playground, chasing you around and catching you at the bottom of each super-fast slide.  Strangers grin as they pass while we're shopping somewhere as they overhear our endless chattering and singing, and often comment about how much fun we're having.  I've never "met" as many strangers in my lifetime as I have these past two years with you.  You're magnetic!  They all want to say hello or join us in our "A-B-Cs."  My heart just swells and swells with joy the more I'm around you.

There have been moments that break my heart.  I'm not quite sure how I head out for work each day, sending you to day care until I can pick you up many hours later.  That's hard on me.  You have adjusted so well, though - it's what gets me through.  That and the fact that it provides a special routine for you and Poppa in the mornings; you share such a strong bond as a result of your daily morning choreography.  It's beautiful and fantastic.

I love you so much it makes me cry with happiness.  I thank God for you each day.  May He continue to bless you and may all your hopes and dreams come true.

Yours forever,
Mamma  xoxoxo

Two Years Fabulous

Well it happened.

I was really trying to keep it from coming so quickly.  We're loving this journey so much it's hard to let each precious moment slip away, but then we're gifted with another moment and we just keep slipping forward...and incredibly, it gets better and better.

Evelyn is now Two Years Old.  And of course, her adventures are only gettin' started.  She can reach things now, climb things, move things around in order to reach even further and higher.  The same playground now holds new thrills as she can move more confidently and tackle more challenging obstacles.  And she's not afraid to elbow past the rotten boy that won't get off the climbing platform.
Goofing around with her brothers, who can't resist her charms
 even when the requirement is to wear stickers on their forehead.

She's a true adventurer.  I can see that clearly.  She gets a bit gnarly after a day at home.  Needs to get out and explore a new place, even if it's just a trip to the grocery, but ideally it's a chance to touch things, see new faces, climb and run, some fresh air.  Not a home body.  No way.

Her birthday celebration was perfect. Good food, great friends, and a homemade pumpkin cake that launched the Happy Birthday song. Evelyn was lit up from the inside with the sudden realization that everyone was singing for her. Tag fell in love with her all over again when he saw the way her eyes sparkled - he said he could see magic in her eyes. I just cry when I think back on it. It really was magical. I'm so grateful for the friends we have. They indulged us by attending a 2-year-old birthday party but you would never know it - they were nothing but sweet and loving and it just meant everything to us and also to Evelyn.
A princess dress from Rachel

The Magical Birthday Serenade

Just wouldn't be a proper birthday party without Auntie Sandy

Lilly & Evey finishing off the birthday cake...

Friday, November 25, 2011

Just can't get enough of her

We were invited to join friends at their home for dinner.  We accepted and assured them that we'd get a sitter for Evelyn.  They weren't too happy about that and insisted we bring her along.  The dinner was wonderful -- and our hosts spent the evening playing with Ev on the floor and watching Snow White with her.  I'm actually a bit suspicious that they even needed Tag and I to come along... 

We have such amazing friends.  I love watching them laugh with her - they are always so surprised and charmed by how happy and funny she is.  My social calendar has never been so full.  Everyone wants to hang out with us (her) !!

The Birthday Parties have already gone into full swing.  We've been to 5 parties already.  I totally get why people throw extravagant events celebrating their cherished one's birth.  And I really think it's great.  And I fully support it (note attendance at FIVE parties to date).  But I'm not goin' there.  Sorry Evelyn, but you'll have to make due with a fabulous cake, candles and a small group of loving faces singing the birthday song.  When you turn 5 (or when you beg for one) your Poppa and I will throw you a super fun birthday party with all the trimmings (except the give-away goodie bags - I promised auntie Sandy that I would never succumb to that tradition).
Visit from Big Brother Dylan

Our initial Big Girl Bed success is slowing deteriorating.  Tag and I now wake up in the morning with a foot or a butt in our faces.  Ev has gotten skillful at carefully climbing up into the bed with us in the middle of the night.  Hmm.  Not sure what do to about that.  Guess we’ll have to help her make the Big Move up to her room.  (Am I ready for that….?)
Clothing is considered optional. Even when it’s chilly, she’s stripping down to her bum-cheeks.  Ran around the other night in just her socks and slippers.  Happy as a lark.  Wild and free as Taggy likes to say.  Indeed.

Our Budding Book Worm...
Ev has an official addiction to Mary Poppins.  “Pop! Pop! Poppin!” is the demand after a long day at school/work.  I think it’s her way of unwinding – she LOVES the music and dancing.  Tag and I have reached a point where we really can’t stomach another chim-chimminey so we’ve become skilled at redirecting.  I love that she appreciates a good musical though.  We just need to find other ones that she likes and expand the options.
Sportin' the Mr. Potato Head glasses....
We are never 5 minutes without singing or music and Ev now joins in and even makes up her own songs.  Her favorite though is Twinkle Twinkle Little Star.  Her soaring, offbeat rendition always makes me chuckle.
She still loves school; keeping up with the “big kids” isn’t an issue.  I showed up to take her home from school and the teacher shot me a look saying, “There was an altercation today…”  I’m thinking, altercation?? Was there bleeding?  Apparently she had a throw-down with her dear friend Adrian who wouldn’t give up the Mr. Potato Head.  So they went after each other with finger nails flying.  When I told Tag the story, the first thing he asked was, “Did she win?”  I said, “Not sure, but she was the one holding the Potato Head when I got there.”

Climbing is a swiftly developing skill.  Playground holds new excitement for her – she can climb the ladders now, which she loves to do.  And the swings are a new favorite (she didn’t like them up until now).  Climbing isn’t limited to the playground, unfortunately.  Tables/counters/couches… it’s all game.  I was preparing dinner the other night and couldn’t hold her at the same time.  Instead of getting upset like she usually does, she walked to the kitchen table, pulled out a chair and proceeded to push it into the kitchen and up to the counter, climbed up onto it and helped herself to the spatulas so she could “help.”  Fantastic.  Blew my mind.  I didn’t teach her that. Totally new behavior, all on her own. 

We visited friends and they had a swing-set in the back that Evey ran over to.  I was so relaxed about it that Katherine, experienced mother of 5 children, immediately tensed and in an effort to ensure safety tried to hold onto Ev as she climbed the ladder and slid down the slide.  Totally ruined the fun for poor E.  I finally convinced her that Evey was pretty darn solid on slides and could do it on her own – and E shrieked with glee as she zipped down the slide and landed on her butt in the grass.  Little Daredevil.  Love it.

Unbelievable that we are but a few breaths away from 2 years old...
Running free with Opa and Jack in the field behind our house

Monday, November 7, 2011


Post Lifetime Fitness Halloween Extravaganza
she had a sorceress apply make up to her face (note rosy cheeks) and a witch apply a tattoo to her arm
she had an absolute ball
Had the best Halloween ever.  Dressed Ev as a little cowgirl in an outfit we inherited from her friend Lily.  The club had a dinner event for members, including a hay ride, animal petting zoo, Thomas the Train and, Ev’s favorite, a DJ and dance floor complete with laser lights.  She and I have had plenty of dance-parties together in the living room so she was ready to boogey when she heard the music.  Kids were running everywhere and she could not get enough.  Danced her little heart out.  So Much Fun!
bonding with a Fairy Princess at the club halloween party
Partying With Miss Darcy

Actual Halloween night was also very special.  I was busy cooking in the kitchen while Tag and Evelyn watched Wizard of Oz and handed out candy to trick-or-treaters.  The doorbell would ring and they’d both make “O” surprise faces, jump up and run to the front door where E would delicately dole out pieces of candy. She was absolutely tickled that all these strangers kept coming to the door.  I will never forget her expressions and laughter.  Or that of the trick-or-treaters, who were so charmed by her.  It was way better than actually trick-or-treating, at least for an almost 2 year old.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Big Girl Transitions

As we approach the Two Year milestone, all of Evelyn's transitions have come vividly into focus for me.  I think back to our summer vacation when Tag and I determined that Evey had developed a little "drinking problem" and that's why she wouldn't eat much solid food anymore.  So upon returning home we cut her off from the bottle (basically cold-turkey) and she immediately started sleeping through the entire night. "That was easy," I thought!  Why did we wait so long?

The end of the pacifier was another transition.  When she was first born and whisked off to the NICU, they popped a pacifier in her mouth and she sucked on those darn things for about a year before I decided it was going to interfere with her teeth development.  She basically fussed for 5 minutes, and that was it.  She didn't even steal other baby's pacifiers at school; instead she ran around sticking them back into babies' mouths whenever she saw one loose, giving them each a little pat on the back for good measure.

The latest and most significant one for me was the transition to the Big Girl Bed.  We've essentially had her in bed with us since we brought her home from the hospital.  I was nursing her through the night, so it certainly had logistical benefits.  But I also couldn't stand the thought of having her away from me and she turned out to be a fantastic cuddler, so she's been in our bed for the past 22 months.  Tag was a bit taken back when I first brought her to bed with us and told him that we'd be co-sleeping with our baby, but he went along with it and I think came to realize the benefits in terms of getting a good night sleep.  But he's been asking when she'll transition to her own bed, and I've been slowly strategizing on the best way to do it.  I didn't want to make her cry through it and feel that we'd abandoned her.  And I was fretting over not having her next to me all night....I would miss her desperately...  But little by little, I made progress toward the end goal and bought a toddler bed.  I also bought a twin mattress for her room upstairs so that I could sleep next to her on the floor and help her transition.  As Ev continued to get bigger and take up more room in our bed (I always seemed to get smushed up into the corner as she dug either her skull or her legs into me) it seemed that it was time to make the move.  So Tag wished me luck and Evey and I said "Night Night" and headed upstairs to her room and the Big Girl Bed that she was so proud of. 

Well, the plan didn't quite go off as hoped.  She continued to crawl out of her toddler bed into the bed with me, and I ended up getting crowded off the mattress onto the floor.  Tag, all alone downstairs, had a hard time sleeping as a lonely only and felt a bit sad.  So I decided to try Plan B.  Moving her back into our room, I had her help me set up the Big Girl Bed at the foot of our bed, and she proceeded to collect all her blankets and her babies (including Roar the Lion) and nested and played in her newly located bed.

The first time she actually slept in it was during the day; she feel asleep in my vehicle and I carried her to her bed where she snuggled down for a good 2 hour nap.  Fantastic start.  But the true test would be the new evening ritual.  That evening we gave her a nice bath, she brushed her little teeth, cuddled with us on the couch as we watched some television, and then we turned off all the lights and headed to bed....  She was still awake as I laid her down in her bed, whispering to her how wonderful her Big Girl Bed was, how soft her pillow was...and she looked up at me and laid there quietly.  I sat next to her for a bit until I thought she was drifting off, and that was that.  She slept in that bed until 6:30 am.  Amazing !!  It got a bit rough the next few nights (she's cutting some more teeth, and she has a stuffy nose) but last night was another decent night of sleeping in her own bed through till morning. 

It just is so gratifying to me that we can follow her lead and transition her through these stages at her pace, making it peaceful and loving versus a forced and even scary battle.  I love that she trusts us through these stages and also trusts herself enough to try something new.  Continually in awe of this darling little wonder.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Our First Potty Story

Evelyn was taking a bath, which she always enjoys.  She paused in her splish splashing to say "potty" in her adorable toddler voice, and started trying to stand up.  "Potty" she said again, so I asked her, "do you want to use the potty?"  She then started trying to climb out of the tub so I lifted her up and over onto the bathroom floor.  Dripping and naked, she went over to the little plastic potty, settled herself down onto it and immediately started peeing.  This was quite out of the ordinary.  I wasn't sure how or if I should react so I simply waited until she was finished (which took a was a healthy pee).  She was fascinated by the stream of urine filling the potty and kept her head tipped down to watch.  When she was done I erupted in enthusiastic cheers and congratulations, which brought Tag running from the other room and we all high-fived and laughed at the amazing event that just occurred.  Ev was thrilled with herself and with the response.  We haven't had an encore yet, but she's obviously got the right idea. 

I should mention that the potty, the actual potty that she used, was the potty that I myself "learned" on almost 40 years ago.  How crazy is that?

Saturday, August 27, 2011

21 months - the countdown to 2 begins....

They say beware of the terrible twos....  Suddenly, they say, your sweet compliant child morphs into a demon of defiance.  It's my impression that our Evelyn, ever the a-typical child, is managing her approach into the twos with small trial sessions, giving us little test-drives into the realm of the independant toddler.  Seems rather strategic.  I sure hope we're up for this...
Into the pantry again....(check out that impish grin!!)

I love this child with all of my might.  She learned how to give big gripping bear hugs from Tag and she doles them out freely, complete with "grrrrrrrrr!!!" effect.  Love love love, she loves giving and receiving kisses, being held, taking your hand and walking you to a point of interest.  So affectionate, it's awesome.  I hope she never loses that.

Smooching Adrian at school
My job has taken me far and wide recently and Ev caught on quickly to the pattern of Mamma leaving.  Kicks my heart in to hear her cry out for me as I force myself to walk out the door to catch a plane. The hardest trip was a week long...too long...I returned on a Friday morning and picked her up from school during morning snacktime.  She was seated at her little table and her back was to me.  Her teachers said, "Your mommy's here!" and Ev turned her head around to glance over her shoulder and then back to her snack.  It took a split second for it to register, but when it did, she whipped her head around again and threw her little wooden chair to the side, crying and running toward me.  I fell apart and swept her up in my arms with kisses and tears, unable to speak.  The teachers were so moved, they both started crying too, saying "That is so sweet" and then all the kids started crying.  It was a beautiful mess!  Evey and I have become one again these past weeks, and she clings to me like she's building up an emergency stash for the next time I leave.
Helping Mamma Unpack
It begs mention of Tag's seamless parenting when I'm darting off to Brazil or the east coast.  He and Ev work out a fabulous rhythm while I'm away and it would seem that it's not until I'm back that Ev even realizes I've been gone.  He's an incredible father, and entirely devoted to little E.

Tag calls her "Little Heidi" when he recants their morning routine. Here is the email I received recently:  "evey was little heidi this morning. she was having fun collecting purses and bags and transferring items from one to the other. she had three bags hanging on her stroller pushing her baby around and shopping around her kitchen. busy busy busy."  It's funny how toddlers will mirror you.  She will put on the goofiest "hmmmm?" expression, and I'll recognize it as my own.  She'll put her finger to her nose or her cheek or her lip, imitating my subconcious "i'm thinking" habit.  Apparently I'm the bag lady, because she loads up bags and purses and hauls them around the house -- even insists on hauling her diaper bag when we're out and about, though she can hardly walk with it strapped across her chest.  I've learned to recognize several words, including "purse", which is a popular one.

Speaking of purse -- she loves rummaging around in mine, which is full of odds and ends that I haven't taken inventory of in a while.  Ev has no trouble finding what she's looking for, and mimics her mom quite effectively with a tube of lipstick.

Lipstick Lipped Happiness

Her best buddy Haidyn
She skipped a grade and went straight from Older Infants to the Twos, thank God.  They held her back in the infant class far too long (they didn't have room in the Ones).  Thankfully, Ms. Nessa would steal her and basically keep her all day in the Ones with her buddies, so it worked out okay.  Now she's officially in with all the big kids, including her buddies Haidyn, the twins Abigail & Conner, and Adrian.  She's the youngest so the teachers kept a close eye on her at first to make sure it was a good fit.  She's exhausted everyday but keeping up and loving it.  And starting to talk more and more - they "use their words" in this class versus being permitted to point and whine.  Big Girl stuff.

The Twos
Has wonderful painting and coloring skills -- people comment all the time on how well she holds a brush or uses a marker.  Can't wait to get her started on some canvases at home. She's firmly right handed, which is interesting.  Doesn't use that left hand for much, not even eating. Tag says it's easier to get golf clubs for a righty, so he's cool with it.  I wonder when her first golf lesson will be....

Her 20th month...amazing us every day

How do you live with a thunderbolt of personality and not have it rub off on you?  Tag and I find ourselves "Evey-fied" on various fronts, and not just our eating or sleeping habits.  Turns out, when Tag and I part ways with a kiss, we both say "mmmmmma!"  See what I mean? Lost causes, we are.

Evelyn is working on her vocabulary, sounding out the names of various objects she points to, looking for verification that she's on the right track.  It's really more of a vowell-sounding vocabulary, but she's getting very close.  Her desperation to communicate is driving her to work hard at it -- she dissolves in frustration and anger at me when I don't understand what she's asking for....breaks my heart as I try my hardest and seem to fail miserably. And I get pinched too (ouch).  My mom remembers me going through that stage.  "She's on the brink of talking now," she assures me.  Thank goodness.

No more high chair -- these photos are the last images we have of her in one. Refuses to be seated in one.  Booster chair at the counter now.  Feeding herself really well (these pics are misleading -- we took them because she was having fun making such a silly mess). 

Molars finally poked through, but more on the way.  Sloooooow teething process for our little Ev.  I guess it's better than shooting teeth through too quickly...  We brush her teeth - correction - Evey brushes her teeth (sort of) each day and loves each independant task she can tackle. Very helpful too - will "fold laundry" (and fold and refold and fold again) and sweep the floors, throw away bits of paper, toss dirty shirts up over her head into the washer (I have to watch what goes in there...she's not figured out how to sort colors yet), and throw her plate into the sink when she's done eating.  [Makes it sound like our house must be spic and span...quite the contrary -- she's still a pro at emptying and tearing apart.]

Favorite foods:  she eats LOTs of different things, but those of particular note:  Strawberries and Kiwi, Yogurt (always), Oatmeal (every day), Scrambled eggs ala Uncle Paul (w/ cottage cheese), Hummus (especially the garlic version), cheese cheese cheese, and asparagus.  Never afraid to tell us what she likes or doesn't -- we've become somewhat successful at preventing the dislikes from being hurled across the floor.

Bath time remains on her favorite list, that and any pool activity.  She's pretty close to swimming, actually, and doesn't freak out when her head bobs under the water or she gets splashed.  Kicks her legs and tips her head back into the pool, stretched flat on her back.  A natural water bug.  Sprinklers, though, are on the don't like list.  For some reason, even when they have water day at school, she does not like water shooting up around her.  She even prefers a puddle over a sprinkler.  What she does love is the water slide -- none of the other kids in her class were willing to try it, so the teachers took turns taking Evey down the slide and she had a ball (so did the teachers!).

Favorite toys:  she pretty much likes anything with lots of parts and pieces.  Her kitchen is a current favorite - lots of plastic cups, spoons, fruit and little plastic hamburgers...  Has a little pink stroller that she pushes around with her "baabee" in it -- she has a couple baby dolls and a stuffed lion that capture her interest now and again - she'll wrap them in blankets and lay them down, feed them from plastic forks.  Pretty cute.  She also loves scribbling with markers (note to self: "washable" markers only wash off if you catch it early...).

She can sing the first line of Sesame Street in "dah dah dah" fashion. And she claps after we say grace.  Tag is still her favorite playmate on the face of the earth.  And the memory of a skinned knee or bruised forehead lingers as she points to those areas with a curious "boo boo?"

Tag was watching her the other evening and commented how unbelievably fun Evelyn is, "and," he went on, "she'll be even more fun tomorrow.  Which is hard to believe, because how can you get more fun than this?  But that's what happens.  She'll be even more fun tomorrow..."  I completely agree.  Pretty amazing stuff.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Love Note from Papa

My Darling Evey,
Mom will never accuse me of expressing myself too quickly. This assignment was due several months ago. You are now 19 months old and have been with us for what seems like only a single exhale. For myself, I am a middle aged man of “Almost 50,” wondering how on earth I was able to turn 29 again.  Let me just say that as big as you are in my life, I could never write enough about you in a single lifetime. All the books in the world could never begin to express the joy you are in my life. To me you are limitless abound in every way.
At 19 months old you are changing before my eyes. I can hear you growing inside and out. They say babies can learn more languages in the first years of their life than at any other point in their lives. I am content to know two languages: English and Evey at 19 months. You see, my little darling, you and I communicate every day. I know, most of the time, exactly what you are saying to me and I rejoice. You like to point at things and ask questions or make a statement. I am your escort and loving it. I have also grown. I have re-trained on the art of proper diapering technique and care. I have learned the latest colors and combinations of outfits that go with baby style. Believe me, this may seem like a small thing, but keeping up with your Mom’s sense of style is a challenge.  For now, let’s just say I have learned how to “install” all the different configurations of clothing you have to wear. Sometimes I realize I am under qualified for the installation, and will seek out a more manageable outfit to dress you in. Oh….how I love to dress you Evey. You are like a Monet every day before me. You are priceless, limitless, and your beauty abounds. I marvel every single day.

You see my darling; I have learned there are more than Seven Wonders in the world. There is wonder when you come running to me smiling with open arms and heart. There is wonder when I have the weight of your body on me at night when you are sleepy and content in my arms. I have personally rediscovered the magnificence of the Great Lakes through your eyes this past July. The two most beautiful things I have ever laid eyes upon are riding through life along side me like a timeless classic movie.  It is wondrous to me how glorious our “big” hugs are together. You see, it takes two to make a really big hug. You and I, together we could hug the world and make everything right. Nothing matters to me, my darling, when you are in my arms. It is truly wondrous and magnificent. How wondrous it was to catch you on video taking your first steps and telling your Mom to leave the kitchen to come cheer you on. You locked eyes with her and were like a flying white horse into her arms. I saw that….and I was in awe. What a wondrous moment in my life.
My goodness, 19 months and you are changing the world already. You and I have danced together. We read together. I make up songs in the car and sing to you. Any songs with a good beat are favorites to you. You may love music darling, but you are the music in my heart forever and always.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

19 months - Michigan Beach Vacation

We decided to escape the sweltering triple-digits of Memphis and head north for our vacation this summer and had a wonderful time -- is there anywhere more beautiful than coastal Michigan in the summertime?

Saying Hello from Pentwater MI ! 
We turned the only rainy day of our trip into a lovely afternoon browsing shops and enjoying lunch in the small coastal town of Pentwater.  (Evey is looking so grown up these days....) 
 Her first experience at the beach started with initial awe and fascination and a little bit of apprehension (there was wind and great waves that evening!), followed quickly (5 minutes maybe?) by full on thrill -- We had to hold her back from running head first into the waves!  A little "splashing our feet in the water" turned into total drenching -- I was glad I thought to bring an extra set of clothes for her -- that icy Lake Michigan water mixed with cool evening wind would have made for a shivering blue baby !
Pere Marquette beach has a fantastic playground right on the sand -- we spent a lot of time climbing, sliding, climbing again -- Ev LOVED it! She's quite daring, so Tag and I had to take turns running back and forth to ensure she didn't jump from a ledge or topple from a hanging bridge (!)

There was a pier that took us all the way out to a light house with huge waves crashing over monstrous boulders that lined the narrow walkway -- it was a bit unnerving....we kept a firm grip on the stroller handles....But it was pretty cool and gave us a great view of the beach and the tugs moving barges into the harbor.

We took a quick overnight trip to the east side of the state to say hello to Tag's family.  I regret not taking more photos -- it was great to see Evey interacting with everyone, especially her cousin Leah who showered her with affection.  Ev ate it up.   Right off the bat she mimicked Leah when calling for Wally their labradoodle and hollered out in her tiny voice "Waaaaaeeeee!"

 More beach time -- digging in the sand with Poppa --

 She didn't understand the sand getting stuck to her skin at first.  She got over the wierd sandy feeling with some inspiration from Poppa and dove into their pit to help him dig it out... :o)

Sharing her ice cube with Mamma at the Parade :o)

We decided to drive north for a day trip to check out Sleeping Bear Dunes and see if we could find the July 4th parade near Glen Lake.  Following our gut, we stayed on toward Glen Arbor and pulled into a side street that dead-ended at Lake Michigan.  We parked, strolled up to entrance of the street where we saw folks gathering, and realized quickly that we had literally parked in grand central of all the activities (!) and early enough (about 20 minutes prior to launch) to get a good parking spot, stroll a bit along the quaint avenue, and find a good spot to enjoy the parade.  Not bad for a 3 hour drive and no real planning except spontaneity!  The parade was the most hilarious, fun parade Tag and I had ever been to -- where else can you go to a parade with a huge Snow Plow, Unicycles, a full Kazoo Brigade, a parody on The Royal Wedding, and a Sewage Transport logoed "Decker's Plumbing -- Another Truckload of Political Promises" ?!!  Everyone was soooo friendly and we got the kids dancing to the music -- It was fantastic.

 I made Tag do the Dune Climb with me -- he really didn't want to.  He asked why everyone was carrying their shoes and I said "cuz it's hard to walk in sand with shoes on -- we don't need ours, just leave 'em by the vehicle."  And about 20 yards up the climb I was nervous about having left our flip flops....the sand was scorching hot (!!!).  Tag was pretty upset -- but we kept on to the very top, because of course we're both stubborn mules, and ended up with blisters under our toes from the hot sand - Yeowch !! Evey was undaunted and had a ball yelling encouragement to go faster, faster up the hill (huff puff !  that's hard work with a 25 lb toddler on your back !).

We drove around the surrounding area through nap time, still exploring the dunes and the views in the State Park.  Stunning views.

Stopped to enjoy a bit of shade so Ev could run around in the sand without burning her tootsies.
It was a great trip -- we took hundreds of photos and made thousands of perfect little memories.